Candle Magic for Beginners

Do you believe in candle magic?

Candle magic is a great practice to add to any spiritual routine that you already have. I typically like to do candle magic around any “New” timeline, new month, new moon cycles or just anytime I feel like I need an extra jolt of energy to push my manifestations through quicker

Candle magic is an inexpensive way to do magic. All you need is a candle, something to light it with and your intention. Candle magic can be considered alchemy. In candle magic, all elements of life are represented from the fire of the flame, to the air that feeds the flame,  then melted wax for the water and the solid wax for the Earth would be the basic elements. You can enhance your work by incorporating different colors, holy oils, herbs and even crystals to get your desired result. Some of my favorite oils that I use frequently are frankincense oil and red palm oil. My top favorite herbs that I've been using are Rosemary, Damiana, Althea Root and Eucalyptus. 

All these ingredients are good for enhancing prosperity, divination and can be used as protection. 

You can do magic with any type of candle, what matters the most is your intention. I always let my clients know that God has created this earth with tools such as herbs, oils and crystal but we are the magic.

Empress Love and Company now offers Spiritual Botanica candles, our newest candle is our Road Opener. This specific candle has been worked on for some time, we have got an amazing recipe. This is a great candle for if you need to clear your path, in life we face challenges and obstacles due to the hateful and demonic world we live in. There are entities and forces in this world that want to deter you from making a positive impact on this world. Spiritual Warfare is very much real and so I created this candle with the intention to remove any obstacles, jealous persons in your life, limiting beliefs or remove any temptations that are holding you back from attaining your true power.

Instructions for any type of candle magic follow with writing down your intentions on a parchment paper and just to take it to the next level and read it out loud a few times. As the awakened community we all believe in synchronicities. When you have reached a certain level of enlightenment, you will have developed a favorite number. So typically, when I am reading a spell off of a parchment paper, I always do it six times. The number 6 is the number of success and triumph. You can also purchase different time candles. Some shops offer 24 hour and 7 day candles so typically you should give it that much time for your manifestation to come through. Be careful who you pick this candle out from because there are a lot of witches out there, good ones and bad ones. Make sure that it is ethically sourced. Always make sure you have time to watch and pray on that candle don't start the ritual if you don't have time to watch and conjure. 

But other than that, you can always expect to see results real soon. Candle magic is fast working and intense. So be sure that what you are asking for is something that you really want and are ready for

Are you in need of some 7 day candles?

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