The Reasons Why We Love Law Of Attraction Using Journaling

Write down your thoughts and goals each day to help you achieve your desires.

To do this, consider creating a gratitude journal. Before bed, spend five to 10 minutes writing down a few things for which you are grateful, as well as anything that happened that day to bring you closer to whatever it is you’re trying to manifest. Maybe you want to save enough money for retirement and you receive a call from your cable provider about a way to lower your monthly bill, or you come across an informative podcast that inspires an idea for a money making side hustles.

While it’s great to think big picture about your goals, it’s just as important to think about the little steps you can take each day to bring you closer to what you want. In fact, developing this habit can help you visualize your goals more clearly. “The best way to move through any blockages such as anxiety, doubt, and lack of self-worth, is by asking yourself every day ‘what can I do today that will move the needle towards my goals?’” Come up with daily habits that are specific to your goals. If you want a healthier body, a more successful career, or a happier relationship, what daily habits will get you there? Use your journal to reflect on your successes and failures so you can learn from them.

Journaling is a great practice to incorporate into your manifestation process for a number of reasons. Not only does it help you get clear on your goals, but it can show you what needs to be adjusted (like limiting beliefs) in order to attract what you want. So whether you're looking to make money, call in love, or land your dream job, greet your journal and get to writing.This is a great technique to develop self-awareness which is key to living your best life. Without a journal, it's easy to stay so busy that you don't really reflect on what's going on under the surface. All kinds of things can be left under-explored, from anxieties to your dreams.Keep a positive outlook and stay motivated to reach your goals.


REFLECT ON YOUR GOALS: Set goals according to what you want and never think that this goal is too big and I will not be able to achieve it. Just set the goal you want for yourself and keep reflecting on the same to increase your focus and also improve your vision with regards to your goals and ambitions.Try to keep your thoughts, feelings, and behavior focused on your goals rather than on your frustrations. You can do this by using positive self-talk, visualizing the life you want each day, working on your plan of action, and spreading kindness and doing good deeds

The law of attraction is the philosophy that if you are what you attract. If you think positive , positive things will happen and vice versa. If you think negative you will attract negative.

While understanding that you are what you attract its important, but to innerstand that the perfect time will always be now. SO LIVE IN THE MOMENT and take advantage of what is in your aura this moment. Whether your perspective seems to be negative or positive. There is always something you can learn from it to make it better.

You can have anything you want, because we have the ability to create our own reality , just make sure that you are alignment. You can get into alignment by just being yourself and trusting all that it is.

The law of attraction works with you be mindful about staying true to oneself.

Your mind cannot be scattered, you have to focus this makes things effortless. I find that what brings you true satisfaction is to be happy and passionate in everything you do.

Consistency always WIN!


 Download our free copy of Affirm & Manifest Journal to help you manifest with ease

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