The Reawakening of African Traditional Practices

Peace & Blessings family , its a new year and I really want to dive deep into ancestor veneration. Check out my Ancestral Life Path Tour to Ghana June 5-15th, 2023. Traditional African religions are predated Christianity and have been struggling to keep up with the Christianization process. Even though Christianity is newer to the continent, it has become entrenched in African culture. I learned this on my last trip to Accra, Ghana.

Traditional African religions are based on the belief that there is a supreme being that controls the world and everything in it. These religions include a number of different beliefs and practices, but they all have one thing in common - they are based on the idea that there is no separation between man and nature.

The practice of voodoo has been a part of the African American community for centuries. The word voodoo meaning spirit. It was brought to America by slaves who were imported from Africa. Voodoo is a religion that is based on the idea that spirits can be called upon your 3d realm to bring good fortune and prosperity to people. Some people associate voodoo with evil and sorcery because it is often used in curses and spells, but there are many people who believe that it is a way to connect with the spiritual world.

Either way Voodoun  has been heavily stigmatized based off the war between ancient kemetic principles and dogmatic religions. Hoodoo is an important part of African-American culture because it ties together African beliefs with Christianity, which was introduced into the community by slave owners.

Christian ceremonies are strikingly similar to the rituals of the ifa voodoo/hoodoo religion, with a few exceptions such as using blood sacrifice, candles and wines. Hoodoo was a way to practice religion without being detected by slave owners. Hoodoo is a form of African-American folk magic that was practiced in the Southern United States. Hoodoo is traditionally used for healing, luck and to ward off evil spirits.

The Western world has demonized African traditional religions as being primitive and backward. An because most African Americans fail to learn their spiritual ancestry, many find themselves lost. African traditional religions are just as sophisticated as any other religion in the world. The Western world has always had a tendency to denigrate anything that does not conform to their way of thinking and behaving.

The fact that many are practicing dogma in 2022 is just not acceptable. There is way to much information to still be following the principles of your religion blindly without question. Our Ancestral Life Path Tour is centered around your understanding by visiting the lovely continent of Africa.


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