Womb Healing for beginners - How to start a womb healing journey

Healing the Inner and Outer Woman

A womb is also called an "uterus" or "matrix".

Shop for spiritual and healing products, crystals, and services at our metaphysical boutique. From tarot readings to sage smudging, our metaphysical boutique is a one-stop-shop for all your needs. At our store, we believe that everyone should be able to heal themselves with the help of their community. We do this by selling a variety of services and products that can be purchased together or separately.



Inner woman healing:

We cannot heal or grow without women. Healing involves a deep, inner connection with our hearts: it involves traveling through our souls and listening to stories of abandonment, pain and heartbreak that we have never heard before. It's about crying, suffering, and enduring the healing process, which can take a long time. It involves forgiveness, acceptance, and compassion, as well as affectionate qualities. It can be an acknowledgment of how we have been hurt, cursed and abused, whichever comes first. Most of all, it's about forgiving yourself for loving the wrong person, putting yourself down, feeling not good enough, giving up on yourself, or silencing yourself.

Therapeutically, healing wounded femininity means taking time to get in touch with the voice of your soul, listening to your dreams and images. Being bitten by a dog or sick cat in a dream is not meaningless; your intuition is trying to get your attention. Femininity is your instinctive life and nature.

Identify and address external hardships

Research suggests that certain protective resources, rather than the absence of risk factors, play a significant role in a person’s capacity to confront and work through stressors.


  1. Things like social support
  2. Adaptive coping skills
  3. Ability to tap into one’s inner strengths can help develop and strengthen resiliency in an individual.

Working within a framework - The best use of outside helpers occurs when the community has a plan, a defined process and clear goals that the outside resource is brought in to serve. It's difficult to manage outside help if you are not very clear about how that help can fit in to your plans.

Identify and address self-imposed hardships

These events leave an imprint on our psyche, which causes us to distort our view of ourselves, others, and the world. We develop coping mechanisms as a way to protect ourselves from the pain. Unfortunately, these coping mechanisms often become our new normal and keep us locked in our wounded state.

At this stage the journey involves struggling to uncover the roots of trauma from the past that caused the pain and dysfunctional behavior. It can be slow and painful work, but it can also be tremendously exhilarating. While the recovery is precarious, people often experience enthusiasm, excitement and renewed energy. They are doing something with their lives. They make discoveries about themselves. They may join new communities within which they gain acceptance and which rewards them for participating in the healing process. A new vision of possibility emerges. During this transition stage people need a lot of support. Many become involved in healing communities of some kind, whether they be therapeutic (such as A.A. or community treatment programs), religious (such as a church group) or focused on traditional cultural ways. These groups often meet many needs that were previously met by the addictive lifestyle and people may fully and wholeheartedly immerse themselves in this new “culture” (in some cases for the rest of their lives). The culture of recovery replaces the culture of addictions.

Honor your inner woman

Sacred Feminine is the gateway to a powerful and fulfilling life, the gateway to a whole new you. If a woman respects and loves herself as a woman, it is possible to conclude a sacred marriage in which husband and wife are equal and complementary.

You are one of many warriors who destroy systems and patterns of patriarchal principles - you heal intergenerational wounds as you heal yourself. Here are some messages and affirmations to support you:

Outer woman healing:

Uterine healing works with uterine space not just for women with a solid uterus, but for all women, including those who identify as women and those who no longer have a solid uterus. Witches, wizards, and priestesses have practiced uterine healing as a form of healthcare for centuries. It supports the reawakening of the uterus and connects women to their true source of healing, love, creativity and sensuality - their inner wisdom.

This treatment is recommended for women with severe emotional imbalance, convulsions, lethargy, and/or abnormal bleeding. Also for women who just want to treat themselves during a full moon with nourishing touch and support. After the session, you will receive a cup of delicious, nutritious red raspberry leaf tea.

Embrace your outer woman

Every bombshell you meet isn't going to be your girlfriend, and that's okay. Every woman has a different interpretation of her femininity, and there's no point in spying on her; instead, embrace them and let them empower you to embrace yours. Turning off the trap music and listening to some rapper/singer during your commute helps you connect with yourself. Do you remember the mood of creating playlists of your favorite music to listen to on your CD/tape player? Back when you were singing SWV's "Weak" out loud, gushing over Janet Jackson's "That's the Way Love Goes," and trying to repeat tongue twisters on Missy Elliott's "Work It" while cleaning around the house. Black women's art, including music and literature, is created while expressing their divine feminine energy in creative forms. Hold back, she left it to you.

What does it mean to embrace the feminine energy? To really understand you have to look within. Explore what gives you energy. What motivates you? Are you living your life to the fullest? This reflective process is not only important to gaining a better understanding of yourself, but also to leading with confidence and strength. For me, embracing my feminine energy means knowing who I am, not living to please others, finding what I truly love doing, and realizing its full potential without holding myself back.

Check out our latest blog post on WHY YOU SHOULD YONI STEAM!

Learn about our ancestral life path that will be departing to the Motherland in June 2023!


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