Empress Energy Blog

  • Here's a guideline to know the differences between Spells, Rituals & Affirmations...

    Here's a guideline to know the differences between Spells, Rituals & Affirmations...   A Spell is Writing, Speaking, Thinking & using objec...
  • 3 Ways to Reclaim Your Life From Toxic Relationships

    Creating healthy boundaries are so crucial in any relationship, let's practice setting clear boundaries for some of the most important relationships in our lives.
  • Seven Chakra Explained

    We have chakra energy fields in our body that keep us aligned. Let's learn the seven chakras and what they can do if they need to be aligned.

    This is the seven chakras explained

    By the Tantra, with a brief description of each below. The first chakra is situated at the base of the spine, it is the foundation of our being. When we feel grounded and balanced in this center, we are in harmony with ourselves and our world. The second chakra is found at the solar plexus, it is the center of our emotions. When we feel connected to our feelings, we can effectively communicate and connect with others. The third chakra is located at the heart, it is the center of our compassion. When we feel love and compassion in this area, we can be kind and caring towards others. The fourth chasm is at the throat, it is the center of our speech and creativity.


    It's time to create bridges Divine Feminine!   Only the feminine energy can starts do this. Connections are important! Obviusly that process must...
  • Change is inevitable

    Why do we fear change ? One thing about this spiritual ascension journey is that it’s not always going to be loving and light , we can try to rema...
  • Moving Mindfully Practicing Chi

    How to move more mindfully... If you have studied Chinese medicine they follow the practice of the two different types of energies, the Yin and Yan...
  • Why you should Yoni Steam

    Yoni steam is a ancient oriental remedy. Yoni steam is the practice of sitting on a pot of steaming water filled with herbs. Yoni Steaming harness...
  • How to perform a egg cleanse for spiritual protection

    Spiritual protection is the act of protecting oneself from spiritual harm. It is a form of self-defense. Protection from spiritual harm can be achieved by a variety of means, including religious rituals, prayer, or charms and amulets.
  • Smudge Rituals - Healing Techniques That Work

    Smudging has been a sacred ritual thats been used for centuries, mainly by Native Americans. The ritual cleanses and purifies the physical and spiritual bodies that we posses. The art of smudging with remove any negative energy that can cause illness or harm to your body. Many suggest that disease and illness originate in a spiritual body before manifesting into the physical body.

  • 4 Steps To A More Meaningful Prayer Life

    Prayer is an important part of many religious traditions. It is a way of communicating with a higher power and asking for guidance, strength, or help. Prayer can be done alone or in groups, and it can be done formally or informally. There is no one right way to pray. The important thing is to be sincere in your intentions and to be respectful of whatever tradition you are praying in. If you are new to prayer, there are a few things you can do to get started. First, find a quiet place where you can be alone with your thoughts. Then, take a few deep breaths and focus your mind on what you want to pray for. You can say a traditional prayer, or you can simply speak from the heart. Prayer is a personal experience, so there is no wrong way to do it.
  • The Surprising Power of Cinnamon to Attract Money

    Cinnamon is a root that is associated with drawing prosperity and opportunities to you. It’s always a great idea to incorporate cinnamon into any ritual when you need financial aid.
  • The Reasons Why We Love Law Of Attraction Using Journaling

    While it’s great to think big picture about your goals, it’s just as important to think about the little steps you can take each day to bring you closer to what you want. In fact, developing this habit can help you visualize your goals more clearly. “The best way to move through any blockages such as anxiety, doubt, and lack of self-worth, is by asking yourself every day ‘what can I do today that will move the needle towards my goals?’” Come up with daily habits that are specific to your goals. If you want a healthier body, a more successful career, or a happier relationship, what daily habits will get you there? Use your journal to reflect on your successes and failures so you can learn from them.